» Linux
Install web-based server management software
The software in question is called Virtualmin and you can read more about it's features and functionalities at https://www.virtualmin.com/ . It does not cost anything as we'll be using the GPL version. The setup of the software is quite simple and straightforward. Just log into your local server as root and run the following commands:
wget http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/scripts/install.sh
/bin/sh install.sh
After running the above commands, you will see the screenshot below. Just type y and press ENTER to install the software.

The software installation will take a few minutes. Upon completion, you will see the screen below.

In the above picture, you will notice an arrow pointing to your local server's ip address. That's the url you should put into your browser so as to access the web-based manager for the server. When you try to access it the first time, a ssl security notification error will appear in your browser - this is normal and you should accept the security certificate. The login page will appear where you should enter your root username and password to get access to the user interface.

Next, you will be prompted to complete some configurations. Just follow the instructions below to do that.
In the first page of the Post-Installation Wizard click Next.

In the DNS configuration section, make sure to check the box Skip check for resolvability and for the secondary nameservers enter the values:

Once you have configured the last setting, the screen below will appear. Click on the Re-check and refresh configuration button

The server will then check all the configuration and display the page below will all the status for each modules available on the server:

That's it. Your server is now fully configured.
Before you can start adding new users to the server, there's 3 additional settings that you should configure.
1. Setting the Routing Gateway . Since this is a local server, you should specify your router's ip in the network configuration so that the server can connect to the internet to download software upgrades and the emails that you'll be configuring in Step 4 . To do that, click on Webmin > Networking > Network configuration > Routing and Gateways

Next, enter your router's main ip in the Gateway field. Mine is - your's might be different. Click on the Save button

Then reboot the server, using either the server's terminal (type reboot) or using Virtualmin's user interface. Webmin > System > Bootup and shutdown > Reboot system (it's at the bottom of that page)
2. The next thing to configure is your server's ip address. At the moment, it's using a dynamic ip assigned by your router's dhcp, which may change when you reboot the server. So we'll have to set a static ip through which you can access the server using the same ip all the time.
Go to Webmin > Networking > Network configuration > Network interfaces as shown in the picture below:

Click the name of the default network interface (as shown below)

- For the option Activate at boot select Yes
- For the IPv4 address option select Static configuration and enter the server's ip address in the IPv4 address field. Enter the Netmask value (you can obtain this value from your router). Normally, for locally connected devices, it's
- Click on Save to save the static ip configuration.

After you saved the new static ip, you should see it in the Network Interfaces page. Check the box found next to that interface and click on the Apply Selected interfaces to apply the changes. If you used a completely different ip from what was already set for the server, then you will have to use that new ip to access the web server's user interface.

3. The last setting is about making sure your server's software is up to date all the time. To do that, follow the instructions in the images below:
In the Dashboard, click the link found next to Package updates as marked with an arrow in the image below.

The page below will show up. Click the Schedule Upgrades tab.

Make sure that the settings Yes, every and Install any updates is selected. Click the Save button and the server will automatically upgrade it's software when new versions are available.

Congratulations! Your server is now fully setup and configured to start accepting new users, which will be explained in Step 3